Get paid to advertise clothing! (Wear clothes for money)

Can you get paid to advertise clothing?

You can get paid to advertise clothing by partnering with brands. Most clothing brands are looking for influencers with a following. You can promote clothes through sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and other forms of selling.

It all starts with building social media accounts.

You can earn a full-time income by selling clothes. Some of the top fashion bloggers bring in millions of dollars each year. How would you like to make even a small fraction of that?

Luckily, I will show you some of the best ways to get paid for advertising clothing. You might even get some free clothes along the way! Here is what you need to know.

Key Takeaways

  • Brands will send you free clothes to try on and model if you have a large and engaged social media following or subscriber base focused on fashion.
  • Blogging networks like Izea will help match your social media or website with brands to create sponsored posts. Sponsored posts are paid product placements in your content, such as a tweet or Instagram post.
  • You can make the most money by having a large online following. For example, you can make $10 with 1,000 followers or $3,000 with 300,000 followers. The work required for the brand sponsorship is the same, so you might as well have a large following.
  • You can also sign up for clothing brand affiliate programs. Affiliate programs allow you to share your unique link with your following and earn commissions for sales you refer.
  • Another option to make money with clothing is to flip clothes on Poshmark or eBay. Yard sales practically give clothing away and can quickly be sold online.

Get paid to advertise clothing! (Wear clothes for money)

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Can you get paid to wear clothes?

Yes, you can get paid to wear clothes by partnering with brands. However, you need to be somewhat of an influencer to make money. Ask yourself, why would a company want to pay me for advertising?

Brands will pay good money to model clothes if you can bring attention to their products. Therefore, you need to focus on building followers.

Yes, you might score a deal with only 1,000 followers. However, a sponsored post with 1,000 followers may only be worth $10. Now, imagine making $3,000 because you have 300,000 followers on Instagram.

It’s the same amount of work to post for 1,000 followers as it is for 300,000. So, you may as well focus on building your following.

How can I get free clothes from companies?

Most brands will let you keep clothing as part of your partnership. A brand will ship you clothing to promote to your audience. It’s good advertising for the company to have you wear promotional clothing after your deal is done.

Obviously, they don’t want the clothing back!

Remember, you score more deals with the more followers you have. If you have more deals, you’ll get more freebies.

Get paid to wear clothes on Instagram

Instagram is the top social media platform for getting paid to wear clothes. Clothing brands focus more on Instagram for promotion than any other social media platform. Getting on Instagram is a must if you want to get paid for wearing clothes.

The process for making money on Instagram is rather simple. However, each of the steps is difficult on its own. To be successful on Instagram, you must:

  1. Build a following in fashion – Remember, no one makes money on Instagram without a following. The size and engagement rate of your following determine how much you can earn.
  2. Find Partnerships with brands – You need to convince companies you are worth paying. Having a large following and showing good engagement rates are key.
  3. Create content – You need to create visually appealing content. Your content needs to work for your audience. Sponsored posts should also work for your audience. Don’t take a sponsored post for the money if it doesn’t work well. You don’t want to betray your audience’s trust.

Maybe you already have a large following on Instagram. So, how exactly do you find brand deals?

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How do you get clothes sponsored?

Blogging networks are the easiest way to get clothes sponsored. A blogging network connects content creators with brands willing to pay for advertisements. Often, a brand will pay you to send a tweet or picture to IG with their product featured.

Izea is one of many blogging networks which you can get paid by brands. Some of the biggest brands partner with Izea. They bring the brands, so it’s up to you to bring a fashion-centered audience.

However, you don’t have to go through a company like Izea. The whole point of a blogging network is to make it easy for everyone. Nothing says you can’t approach a clothing brand on your own.

You can visit your favorite clothing company’s website and look for contact information. Alternatively, you can search LinkedIn to find people who work at the company.

Your goal is to find growing clothing companies.

You may struggle to strike a deal with Nike. It’s not impossible, but Nike is too large of a company. You must have a large following to catch Nike or Adidas’s attention.

Lesser-known companies are trying to get their name out. Strategic partnerships with influencers are what’s going to help them.

Again, your success will depend on your following size and engagement rate. Focus on building your audience first!

Get paid to promote clothing

You can get paid to promote clothing through affiliate programs. You earn a commission through selling other people’s products. A highly trafficked website or social media account will result in more sales.

You can find several clothing affiliate programs online. Do a Google search like “swimsuit affiliate program” or “sneaker affiliate programs.”

Sneaker affiliate programs

You’ll be surprised at the number of companies that need help to advertise.

Affiliate programs work well on social media platforms. Pinterest and Instagram are the best places to promote clothing.

Mens leather jackets on Pinterest

Write an article on your blog. For example, maybe you want to write about “the best men’s leather jackets.” Your article compares jackets and includes a link to where they can purchase them.

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Flip clothes for profit

You can flip clothing for profit by using eBay and Poshmark. In short, you buy clothes for cheap and sell them online for a higher price. Poshmark and eBay take a small percentage of the sale, and you ship out the item.

For the most part, Poshmark is targeted at buying or selling fashion. eBay is great for all sorts of items, which includes clothing.

To begin, you need to source clothing. Yard sales and thrift shops (e.g., Goodwill) are great starting points for gently used clothes.

Imagine going to a yard sale and finding an Eddie Bauer vest for a couple of dollars. The vest no longer fits the owner, and it’s hardly worn. Next, you list them on eBay for $50!

make money fast - ebay arbitrage

If the item sells, you make a great profit!

People are trying to get rid of unused clothes all the time. Fortunately for you, they want it gone! Most people don’t care what they sell it for, so you can easily profit.

However, flipping requires you to maintain an inventory. You’re going to need to organize your inventory. I recommend keeping storage bins labeled A1, A2, B1, B2, etc, to store your items.

Can you actually make money on Poshmark?

You can make money on Poshmark by selling gently used clothes. To be successful, you need to be active on Poshmark while selling great products. Ideally, you have enough profit margin to offer deals and discounts.

One user makes $5,000 per month selling on Poshmark. So how can you be successful? Here’s a video by The Deal Queen with some tips.

Although, If I had to give you one tip, it would be to be active. A lot of new sellers are eager to make money. They list products and wait for the sales to come in, which never works.

Most anything in sales requires you to be active. Don’t just hope to get paid to advertise clothing. Instead, be active, share content, and think of the end user.

What percentage does Poshmark take?

Poshmark charges a flat fee of $2.95 on any sale under $15. Sales over $15 are charged a fee of 20 percent, meaning you keep 80 percent. Items are free to list on Poshmark.

Obviously, you’ll want to factor in Poshmark’s fees with shipping. You want to ensure that you’re still earning a profit at the end of the day!

Having a retail business takes practice. Sure, you found inventory, but there are other expenses. You also had to pay for shipping, packaging materials, gas, etc. Keep these things in mind when you’re setting your prices.

What can I sell on Poshmark?

You can sell gently used and new clothing and fashion accessories on Poshmark. However, make-up and personal care products cannot be used. It would be best to read the community guidelines before selling any product.

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How I would advertise a clothing brand for money

Let’s assume that I wanted to get into advertising clothing for different brands. There are two different routes I could take:

  1. Build a social media presence – Best for those who wish to receive free clothes to try on, model, and work with brands.
  2. Build a website – Best for those not wanting to model clothing but wanting to earn a commission by selling clothes.

Once I decided which route I would take, I would solely focus on building traffic or followers.

At this point, I’m not interested in making money from clothing brands. When starting from scratch, I don’t have anybody to promote my content to. Without anybody to send my content to, I’m not going to have any brand wanting to work with me and nobody to buy products.

Advertising a clothing brand on social media

The first step for me is to determine which social media I will target to build an audience. Because I’m trying to grow a business focused on clothing, I would choose Instagram. 

Determine my clothing niche

My first step would be to determine how niche I will go. A niche is a specific topic of interest, and it is easier to make money when you niche down.

So what do I mean by niche down?

The topic of clothing is vast as clothing encompasses multiple items such as jeans, shirts, cardigans, sneakers, watches, and a lot more. I might choose to focus on watches or sneakers when I first start.

Optimizing my bio

I will then optimize my name on Instagram to include a niche keyword. So if my name was Jack and I was promoting watches, my Instagram name might be Jack | Luxury Watches.

Including the niche keyword will help you appear in search when someone is looking for watches.

Creating my posts and posting schedule

Next, I’m going to set up a regular posting schedule. My post will include high-quality pictures of watches, and I will ensure the captions are highly detailed.

Think about Instagram as the pictures grabbing someone’s attention, but the captions give the person a reason to stick around. Captions give your audience a way to connect with you. 

Always include detailed captions with relevant hashtags!

I’ll also mix up the hashtags I’m using. Base keywords, like #Cardigan, are hashtags everyone is using, so your content will get lost quickly. Use smaller hashtags, like #Cardigan90s or #CardiganOversized, where your content will stick around longer.

You can use a hashtag keyword tool to help you find relevant hashtags.

Interact with the community

As with any social media, you must be active in the community. Social media algorithms favor activity, and it’s up to you to make the activity happen. Reach out and interact with other creators, which will also help others find your profile.


Finally, I will start focusing on monetization once I’ve built up a following. Now is the time to sign up for a company like Izea and see what brand deals you can get.

Advertising a clothing brand on a website

Advertising the clothing brand on a website is significantly different from social media. There are many different ways to build a website and gain traffic. 

My first step would be to compile a list of different companies with affiliate programs. These are companies that I would see myself promoting in the future on my website.

As previously discussed, I will choose a niche for my website to focus on. I will focus on sneaker companies, and sneaker affiliate offers in this example.

My main source of traffic would focus on search engine optimization. Search engine optimization tries to rank number 1 on Google for common search queries. My goal is to target high volume but low competition searches.

Examples of articles I might include on my blog include:

  • Which sneakers give the most height
  • Which sneakers are the best for walking
  • Can sneakers be business casual
  • The best sneakers for flat feet

And so on.

I would also make sure to post each article on Pinterest. Pinterest is full of shoppers who love content about clothing. It’s an extra step, but it only requires me to make a Pinterest-friendly image and might drive more website traffic.

If done right, the combination of search engine optimization and Pinterest will generate traffic for your website.

I would then go back and see which articles generate the most traffic. Next, I would sign up for the affiliate programs and link to the products where relevant in my top articles.

Summary: Get paid to advertise clothing

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to get paid for advertising clothing. Brand partnerships and selling affiliate products are the best money makers.

However, the most important thing to consider is your audience. You won’t succeed in selling or promoting clothes without a fan base.

Additionally, having more fans will earn you more money. For example, each follower earns you $0.01 for a sponsored post on Instagram. Therefore, having 300k followers earns significantly more money than 10k.

You can get free clothing by promoting clothes for brands. Brands are willing to pay you and let you keep the clothing. It’s just good marketing!

Izea is one blogging network for finding partnerships. Alternatively, you can contact growing companies with the details of your own deal.

You can find affiliate programs easily online. Do a Google search for products you want to promote. Promote these products on your blog, Pinterest, and Instagram accounts.

Also, you can get paid for flipping clothing. Use Poshmark and eBay to your advantage. Each company charges a small fee for selling products.

You should consider checking out our article on how to get paid for pictures of your body. There are some great tips you can apply, including taking better pictures, websites to sell pictures on, and how much you can expect to make. These tips will help you maximize your revenue for modeling online.

John is the founder of TightFist Finance and an expert in the field of personal finance. John has studied personal finance for over 10 years and has used his knowledge to pay down debt, grow his investment portfolio, and launch a financial based business. He is committed to sharing content related to personal finance based on his experience in his career, investing, and path towards reaching financial independence.