Declining a Job Offer for Family Reasons: A Guide and Sample Letter

Declining a job offer for family reasons doesn’t have to be complicated. However, it would be best if you tried to maintain a good relationship to avoid hard feelings and keep in good standing for future opportunities.

If you’ve given careful consideration and have decided the position isn’t for you, respond to your job offer letter by:

  1. Thanking the employer for the opportunity
  2. Provide the primary reason for declining
  3. (Optional) Negotiate terms
  4. State you would like to be considered for future opportunities

Different family reasons for declining your job offer include:

  • Company culture or values don’t align with your family
  • Salary negotiations wouldn’t be productive in meeting your income needs
  • Needing better benefits
  • Having a lack of childcare
  • Needing to provide for other family members (e.g., elderly)
  • Unable to relocate
  • The location is too far to commute
  • Health concerns
  • Conflicting personal goals or circumstances

An example email template citing family reasons may look like this:

Hello [name of recruiter],

I want to thank you for the offer of employment. Unfortunately, I must decline the offer due to certain family matters preventing me from accepting. 

I appreciate the time and opportunity you’ve given me. While I cannot accept this offer, I hope to have the chance to work for your company in the future.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or other opportunities you think I may be a good fit for in the future.

Thank you,

[Your name]

Luckily, this article takes a deep dive into helping you develop the perfect job offer rejection letter. I’ll help you find the best way to respond to your difficult decision without spending a lot of time thinking of what to say.

Declining a job offer due to family reasons

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How to decline a job offer for any reason

Job seekers can decline a job offer that isn’t the right fit, but it is important to maintain professionalism when declining your offer.

The hiring process typically results in receiving an offer letter via email, but you may receive a phone call depending on the company. In rare cases, the company will offer you a new job during the interview process. Regardless, the process for declining a job offer is the same.

Responding to a hiring manager to decline a job offer is as simple as:

  1. Thanking the hiring team for the opportunity
  2. Give a reason for declining, such as salary expectations or family reasons
  3. (Optional) Provide alternative terms, such as better benefits or pay, in which you would reconsider the offer
  4. State you would be open to future opportunities

Let’s take a look at each step for letting a prospective employer know you’re not interested in more detail.

Thank the employer for the opportunity

Declining your job offer first starts with thanking the employer for the opportunity. 

Thanking the employer is a matter of maintaining professional etiquette. It also helps ensure you may have an opportunity to work together in the future.

You may not want to work for this employer now, but you may have a good job opportunity in the future.

Failing to maintain professional etiquette or being rude may end up burning bridges, making it harder to find work in your area. I often find that managers talk with other local managers within the same industry. 

Examples of thanking a potential employer for the opportunity include the following:

  • “Thank you for the opportunity to work with you.”
  • “I appreciate the chance to be considered for the job opportunity.”
  • “Thank you for offering me the chance to be part of your team.”
  • “I’m grateful for being considered for the position.”

Explain your reason for declining

You should always give a reason for declining a job offer, primarily so the company doesn’t think you’re ghosting them.

The company has spent a lot of resources interviewing you, debating between candidates, and finally choosing you as the most qualified candidate. Companies will have spent many resources, and it kind of sucks to have a candidate decline an offer. 

However, some candidates are expected to decline an offer, and it’s just part of the process.

Giving the company a reason for declining the offer helps provide the following:

  1. An understanding that you aren’t wasting everyone’s time. You have a specific reason for declining an offer, and it wasn’t just to waste time.
  2. Feedback on potential red flags of the position. The company can understand why people decline positions and adjust as needed. For example, the position keeps getting declined for low-salary indicating the company needs to raise the salary.

There are many reasons for declining a job position due to family reasons, including:

  • Lack of childcare
  • Need to provide care for family members (e.g., older parents)
  • Unable to relocate due to family obligations
  • Health concerns 
  • Personal circumstances
  • Better job opportunities (e.g., better salary or work-life balance)
  • Company values don’t match your family’s
  • Compensation isn’t enough
  • Undesirable work location (e.g., long commute)

In some cases, giving a reason can lead to a better offer. For example, if you state that the salary offered is too low to support your family, then the company may come back with a better offer.

You may be able to score different perks, such as remote work or having a flexible schedule. 

(Optional) Provide alternative terms

Maybe you do want to work for the company, but the company isn’t offering what you are looking for. In this case, you may return a modified offer to the company to see if they’d be willing to accept it.

In our previous example, we discussed how companies often give you a lowball offer. Most companies try to save budget by hiring employees for as little as possible.

Typically, you want to try to avoid working for companies that are so tight on the budget they can’t pay employees adequately.

However, you can always counter and ask for the salary you desire. The worst the company can do is say no, and you’ll find a position that pays you what you are worth.

Salary is just one of the most common benefits potential employees will negotiate. However, you can also negotiate:

  1. Remote work
  2. Flexible schedule
  3. Vacation days
  4. Bonuses
  5. Retirement match
  6. Health insurance
  7. Relocation packages
  8. Signing bonus
  9. Stock options or equity, depending on the company

State you’d like the opportunity to work together in the future

I always like to state that I would like the opportunity to work together in the future, even if I decline a job offer. 

You would be surprised at how small the professional environment is in your local community. Chances are that you will meet the hiring managers or have a need to work for the company in some capacity in the future.

Stating that you would like to work together in the future helps maintain a positive and professional relationship. 

Sometimes, employers will keep your resume on file and reach out to you if the need arises to hire more employees.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, companies in my area were reaching into their resume files and contacting anybody and everybody who had previously applied for a position. The attrition rates were extremely high, leaving companies with more people leaving than wanting to work.

Sample letter for declining a job offer due to family reasons

Here are a few example letters or emails that I would send to decline a job offer due to specific family reasons.

Declining a job offer due to family reasons sample

Hello [name of recruiter],

I would like to thank you for the offer of employment. Unfortunately, I must decline the offer at this time due to certain family matters which are preventing me from accepting. 

I appreciate the time and opportunity you’ve given me. While I am unable to accept this offer, It is my hope that I may have the chance to work for your company in the future.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or other opportunities in which you feel I may be a good fit for in the future.

Thank you,

[Your name]

Declining a job offer due to salary sample

Hello [name of recruiter],

I am very grateful for being considered for potential employment with your company. Unfortunately, I must decline the offer at this time as the salary does not align with my expectations for the position. 

I appreciate the time and opportunity you’ve given me. While I am unable to accept this offer, It is my hope that I may have the chance to work for your company in the future.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or other opportunities in which you feel I may be a good fit for in the future.

Best regards,

[Your name]

Declining a job offer due to personal reasons sample

Hello [name of recruiter],

I would like to express my gratitude for extending a job offer to me. Unfortunately, I must decline the offer due to personal reasons. 

I appreciate the time and opportunity you’ve given me. While I am unable to accept this offer, It is my hope that I may have the chance to work for your company in the future.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or other opportunities in which you feel I may be a good fit for in the future.

Best wishes,

[Your name]

Declining a job offer due to schedule sample

Hello [name of recruiter],

I am grateful for the consideration and am delighted that you feel I am a good fit for the position. Unfortunately, I must decline the offer at this time as the schedule does not align with my availability, and it would be difficult for me to fulfill the requirements as a result.

However, I may be able to reconsider the position if a flexible schedule or remote work opportunities are available and working hours align with my availability.

I appreciate the time and opportunity you’ve given me. While I am unable to accept this offer, It is my hope that I may have the chance to work for your company in the future.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or other opportunities in which you feel I may be a good fit for in the future.

Kind regards,

[Your name]

Declining a job offer due to relocation sample

Hello [name of recruiter],

I would like to thank you for the offer of employment. Unfortunately, I must decline the offer at this time as I am currently unable to relocate for the position.

I appreciate the time and opportunity you’ve given me. While I am unable to accept this offer, It is my hope that I may have the chance to work for your company in the future.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or other opportunities in which you feel I may be a good fit for in the future.

Thank you,

[Your name]

Declining a job offer due to location sample

Hello [name of recruiter],

I would like to thank you for the offer of employment. Unfortunately, I am unable to accept the position as it is not within my desired commuting distance. 

I appreciate the time and opportunity you’ve given me. While I am unable to accept this offer, It is my hope that I may have the chance to work for your company in the future.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or other opportunities in which you feel I may be a good fit for in the future.

Thank you,

[Your name]

Declining a job offer due to benefits sample

Hello [name of recruiter],

I would like to thank you for the offer of employment. Unfortunately, I must decline the offer at this time as the benefits package does not meet the needs of my family.

I appreciate the time and opportunity you’ve given me. While I am unable to accept this offer, It is my hope that I may have the chance to work for your company in the future.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or other opportunities in which you feel I may be a good fit for in the future.

Thank you,

[Your name]

Declining a job offer due to health reasons sample

Hello [name of recruiter],

I would like to thank you for the offer of employment. Unfortunately, I must decline the offer at this time due to health concerns, which may impede my ability to perform the position’s responsibilities.

I appreciate the time and opportunity you’ve given me. While I am unable to accept this offer, It is my hope that I may have the chance to work for your company in the future.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or other opportunities in which you feel I may be a good fit for in the future.

Thank you,

[Your name]

Why do I feel bad for declining a job offer?

Declining a job offer is never easy, even if you know the company wouldn’t be a good fit. There are many reasons why you may feel bad for declining a job offer, including:

  1. Feeling guilty about the employer spending resources, such as time and money, to interview and extend an offer.
  2. Declining a position you were excited for, but ultimately had to decline for one reason or another.
  3. Fear of missing out on a better opportunity.
  4. Fear of letting someone down.

Ultimately, you should realize that declining the job offer is standard practice in the business world. You shouldn’t feel guilty for turning down a position that wasn’t a good fit or is it right for you at this time.

Remember, there will always be an opportunity to land your dream job.

John is the founder of TightFist Finance and an expert in the field of personal finance. John has studied personal finance for over 10 years and has used his knowledge to pay down debt, grow his investment portfolio, and launch a financial based business. He is committed to sharing content related to personal finance based on his experience in his career, investing, and path towards reaching financial independence.