How to call out of work text for family emergency

How to call out of work text message for family emergency, even on short notice:

  1. Understand your company policy on taking time off
  2. Tell your boss you can’t come to work as soon as possible
  3. Provide a great excuse for missing work, such as a family problem
  4. Let your boss know when you’ll return to work
  5. Give an update on urgent projects
  6. Give your boss a solution to handle the urgent projects in your absence

There are many good reasons for using a family matter as an excuse to miss work. Some of the best reasons include:

  1. Sickness
  2. Mental health issues
  3. Home emergency
  4. Medical appointment
  5. Any unexpected event

A sample text message that you can send to your boss may include:

Hey Boss. Unfortunately, I cannot make it into the office today due to a family emergency. I plan to return tomorrow at the normal start time. I have one urgent project coming up, [Insert Project Description], but I have already talked to [Coworker] and briefed them on the task. They have agreed to cover the project while I’m out. Please let me know if you have any questions.

I have found using this template gives my boss the necessary details and reduces the chances of follow-up questions or denying the request.

Luckily for you, I wrote this article which explains how you can craft the perfect text message for taking emergency leave.

Texting out of work due to family emergency

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How to call out of work via text

The best way to call out of work via text message is starts with understanding the proper channel and company’s policy on requesting time off. Most companies prefer requests for time off via email over text, but text message may be acceptable. Ensure you include the following points in your text for time off:

  1. State you can’t make it into work due to an emergency situation
  2. Include a good excuse, providing as much detail as you feel comfortable with
  3. Identify how much time you’ll need off
  4. Give an update on urgent projects
  5. Identify team members who are familiar with and can cover your work scope

You should also note that family emergencies qualify for Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). However, 30 days advance notice is required in order to take FMLA.

Understand your company’s policies are taking time off

Before you send your boss a text requesting time off from work, it is important to understand your company’s policies.

Examples of the important information you’ll find in your company’s paid time off leave include:

  1. Who is eligible for taking Paid Time Off or Unpaid Time Off
  2. Under what circumstances in which you can take time off
  3. How to formally request time off
  4. Days of the year in which you may not be allowed to take off

One of the most important things to understand is the process for requesting time off.

For example, I can text my boss and tell them I need to take time off. However, my boss will still expect a formal email requesting time off before he can officially approve it.

The main reason companies will typically require an email is that it leaves a paper trail. The paper trail helps keep individuals accountable, document requests, and even maintain compliance with regulations, such as the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Your boss can search through Outlook to quickly identify your paid time off request. For tracking purposes, you may also be asked to add your time off to the company’s paid time off calendar.

The best place to get a copy of your company’s policies on taking time off is through your human resources department. Otherwise, you can ask your boss for a copy if you cannot contact your human resources department.

Tell your boss ASAP

Once you know that you can take time off of work by texting your boss, it is time to tell your boss immediately. Telling your boss that you can’t make it to work as soon as you know that you can’t make it to work is considered professional behavior.

Provide a reason for missing work

It is important to provide a reason anytime you’re going to miss work, especially if you’re requesting to take time off last minute.

Typically, most bosses will accept stating that you have a family emergency as a good enough reason for missing work. I like to give my boss more of a reason because it helps build trust when you can be transparent.

Rather than saying I need to take off from work due to a family emergency, it is much more impactful to say that you have a sick child at home or another valid reason.

Here’s a list of different family emergencies that you can use to call out of work:

  1. You or a family member are sick or injured
  2. Mental health issues
  3. A death in the family
  4. Struggling with addiction
  5. Birth or Adoption
  6. Hospitalization
  7. Car accident
  8. Emotional support

You should always avoid making up fake emergency excuses when requesting time off from work. Your employer has the right to ask for proof of family emergencies. Examples of proof may include a doctor’s note.

State when you’ll return to work

You should always let your boss know when you’ll return to work. A simple sentence, such as, “I need to take today off” or “I plan to return tomorrow,” will help communicate your intentions.

It may also be appropriate to say that you don’t know when you’ll return to work. However, it would be best if you phrased it as, “I will need to let you know when I can return to work when I know more information.”

Typically, stating that you don’t know when you’ll return to work is reserved for such instances as a death in the family.

Provide information on any crucial tasks

It would also be best if you provided any information on any critical or urgent tasks that may arise during your absence. The goal is to help inform your boss of anything that will require attention during your absence.

Offer a solution to ease the burden of your absence

Taking time off work unexpectedly can cause stress for your employer. You play an important role in your company, and your absence means the job still has to be done. Therefore, it is important to offer solutions to anything critical that may arise when you leave work.

An example would be talking to a coworker to see if they can cover your work scope during your absence. Ideally, your coworker would be familiar with your projects just in case something urgent arises.

For example, part of my job is reviewing documents and providing comments. The company will often wait for the document originator to resolve my comments. Someone needs to be able to step in and ensure they have resolved the comments if I’m gone from work.

Therefore, I always try to brief one of my coworkers on the document before I leave. I answer any questions until they are comfortable taking over my task.

As part of my text message to my boss, I would let my boss know which coworker I have briefed on my project and that they have agreed to help during my absence.

Update your boss if anything changes

It would be best if you let your boss know as soon as you know of any changes to your plans.

For example, let’s assume you had to take an emergency flight to deal with family matters. On the way back, your flight is delayed due to inclement weather, and you are now scheduled to return the next day.

In this case, I would let my boss know via text that my flight has been delayed and I cannot return to the office on time. I would then provide an updated status of when I expect to be back in the office.

Texting your boss you can’t make it into work examples

Let’s take a look at some of the text messages I have used in the past to tell my boss I can’t make it to work for a family emergency.

Keep in mind I have the type of relationship with my boss that I can text them if something urgent arises. I usually have to send a follow-up email formally requesting time off.

Having your work email on your phone can be beneficial for emailing your boss on the go!

Sample #1 text message for calling out – Generic Text

Hey Boss. I’m unable to come to work today due to a family emergency. It’s nothing serious, but I won’t be able to make it to work until tomorrow morning. I have no urgent projects, so work should go smoothly during my absence. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Sample #2 text message for calling out – Remote Work Part Day

Hey Boss. I must take off early today as a last-minute doctor’s appointment has opened. Due to the office’s location, I’ve decided to telework today, which will cut down my commute time and allow me to spend more hours working today. Nothing urgent is going on today that would require me in the office. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Sample #3 text message for calling out – Urgent Project Coming Up

Hey Boss. Unfortunately, I cannot make it into the office today due to a family emergency. I plan to return tomorrow at the normal start time. I have one urgent project coming up, [Insert Project Description], but I have already talked to [Coworker] and briefed them on the task. They have agreed to cover the project while I’m out. Please let me know if you have any questions.

FAQ – Calling out of work

Let’s look at some of the most commonly asked questions for calling out of work.

Is it ok to call out of work?

It is perfectly ok to request time off from work, even last minute. Your boss understands that you have a life outside of work, and sometimes you must take time off to handle family emergencies and other life events.

When calling out of work, the most important thing to do is to follow your company’s policies and procedures for taking time off.

However, giving a fake emergency excuse is not ok just to get out of work. Remember, your boss may ask for proof of your emergency to validate your time off. Failure to provide adequate proof may result in disciplinary action, including termination.

Can I call out of work by text?

Standard practice is to send your boss an email requesting time off. However, text messaging is the quickest way to reach your boss and may be acceptable. Consult your human resources department, your boss, and your company’s policies and procedures to determine if calling out of work by text is acceptable for your situation.

What should I say to call out of work?

The most important things to tell your boss when you call out of work include the following:

  1. State you can’t make it to work
  2. Provide a reason why you can’t make it to work
  3. Give the date you plan on returning to work
  4. Update the status of any urgent tasks
  5. Provide a solution for urgent matters that may come up during your leave

How long should I wait to call out of work?

The best practice is to let your boss know immediately when you plan to be absent from work. Giving your boss adequate time gives your boss a chance to plan work resources accordingly.

John is the founder of TightFist Finance and an expert in the field of personal finance. John has studied personal finance for over 10 years and has used his knowledge to pay down debt, grow his investment portfolio, and launch a financial based business. He is committed to sharing content related to personal finance based on his experience in his career, investing, and path towards reaching financial independence.