How to make money with affiliate marketing without a website

How can you make money with affiliate marketing without a website?

YouTube, Social Media, Email, and Podcasts are good ways to promote affiliate offers without a website. Each platform is free to use, but capable of reaching a niche audience for selling affiliate products.

Affiliate marketing is an amazing tool for content creators to make a little extra money profiting from products and services offered through other companies. There are many ways to utilize affiliate marketing online, often through creators’ websites. 

If you are interested in increasing your earnings through affiliate marketing, this is the perfect article for you. We have compiled all the information you need to understand and start affiliate marketing yourself. 

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How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing Without a Website 

Affiliate marketing is a brilliant way for companies to bring more traffic to their online retail sites that benefits both parties. Although it is common to see these links throughout website content and bloggers’ pages, you can place these “ads” in pretty much any type of online content.

1. Youtube Affiliate Marketing

You can make money utilizing popular videos on Youtube by adding affiliate marketing techniques to the channel. Youtube is a top-rated source for information, education, and entertainment. Over a billion people watch videos on Youtube every day, which provides plenty of places to stick an affiliate link.

Example: The same person who is potty training their puppy uses Youtube videos for help and guidance. This would be a great time to stick a link to the puppy pads, treats, and dog toys used in the video and the description.

2. Podcast Affiliate Marketing

Podcasts have been around for quite a long time. However, they are just now building up steam with more people looking for entertainment and information they can take on the go. You have most likely heard affiliate marketing ads if you are a podcast listener. 

In Podcasting, affiliate marketing is used with podcasters recommending a product or service then providing you a specific link to that site, often with a discount code. 

Example: You are listening to a true-crime podcast, and during one of the commercial breaks, an ad plays for an online wine subscription. At the end, the podcasters will say, “go to website and type in the promo code ‘true-crime podcast’ for $20 off your first subscription.” This is affiliate marketing.

3. Social Media (Facebook) Affiliate Marketing

There are massive amounts of users scrolling through Facebook at any given time, which provides a great market for affiliate links. The best way to add these links to a Facebook account is with a Facebook business page or group. There are specific rules that you must follow with affiliate marketing and ads, one being you can not promote affiliate links with Facebook ads.

Going against any rules will get the accounts booted and banned from advertising with Facebook. 

4. Email Affiliate Marketing

You don’t have to have a social media account or website to get affiliate links out to the public. Another great way you can make money with affiliate marketing is by adding links to emails. 

This is most beneficial with companies with an established customer email list because you are legally required to have customer permission before sending out emails. 

Like everything else, it is most beneficial to partner up with someone whose services match the product in affiliate links.

For example, A dog training service is sending out their monthly fliers, including information on keeping your pet’s weight under control and keeping them healthy. 

This is the perfect place to stick affiliate links to specific dog food brands, vitamins, and dental chews.

How to Get Started Making Money with Affiliate Marketing

If you are interested in making money through affiliate marketing and ready to get started now, here are some key tips and tricks to get you going.

  • Choose the Best Platform for Your Business– Pick the platform you are most familiar with and have experience using, then read up on their rules for affiliate marketing to ensure you don’t get yourself into any type of trouble.
  • Pick a theme– What is the best theme for your platform, what are you interested in, have knowledge of, or want to connect to others with. Are you looking to create a self-help page, animal enthusiasts, a travel site? Decide what you are most interested in before choosing affiliates to work with.
  • Choose affiliates- Once you have a platform and a niche to work with, you have to do some research to find the best affiliate sites to go with your theme. There are a ton of great affiliate options out there including.
  • Produce content- Once you have your platform up and running, you can’t just leave it at that. You have to keep the momentum up and continue to create amazing content that will encourage viewers to keep coming back, spread the word and continue to purchase from affiliate sites. 
  • Sell the links– The more customers your site sends to affiliate links, the more money you are bound to make. Not only is it essential to provide your viewers with amazing content, but you also have to push the links in a professional but bold way.

Top Affiliate Sites for Making Money Without a Website

While there are tons of ways you can earn money through affiliate marketing, a few out there are more trusted and used over the others. 

It is essential to look into each affiliate market’s guidelines, rules, and services before getting into business with anyone to ensure you are getting the best offers and you don’t accidentally find yourself breaking any rules or regulations. 

Here are ten of the most frequently used affiliate markets today.

  • MaxBounty
  • JVZoo
  • LinkConnector
  • ClickBank
  • Amazon Associates
  • LeadDyno
  • Pepperjam
  • FlexOffers
  • Rakuten Marketing
  • eBay Partner Network (EPN)

Each of the sites listed above is a reputable and professional site that offers a decent percentage of all sales generated from your site. 

Affiliate Marketing Disclosures

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), you are required, by law, to let your customers know you are receiving a profit if products are purchased through your affiliate link. 

This is pretty simple to do discreetly by simply adding something to the post like “There are some affiliate links throughout this post. If you click on these links and make a purchase, I could receive a small commission.”

Summing Things Up

There is definitely money to be made with affiliate marketing, as long as you know what you are doing and take the time to create the perfect platform and utilize affiliates that are beneficial to your page. 

John is the founder of TightFist Finance and an expert in the field of personal finance. John has studied personal finance for over 10 years and has used his knowledge to pay down debt, grow his investment portfolio, and launch a financial based business. He is committed to sharing content related to personal finance based on his experience in his career, investing, and path towards reaching financial independence.