Quitting a job while still in training or just started

Is it ok to quit a job while still in training or just started?

It is ok to quit any job you are unsatisfied with or receive a better offer, even if you just started. The sooner you leave, the easier it will be for the employer to find a new replacement. Life is too short to work at a job you’re not a good fit for.

Imagine, getting into a new job and realizing you hate it. You don’t want to show up the next day, but you just started three days ago.

It’s perfectly acceptable to quit your job.

Luckily for you, I’ll show you why it’s ok to quit your job and how to quit a job politely. I’ll tell you when you get paid and the best excuses for quitting a job and qualifying for unemployment. You’ll be finding a better job in no time!

Key Takeaways

  • It’s ok to quit a job after a week or just started. Even quitting after 3 days or while still in training is preferred because it gives your employer a better chance of finding a replacement.
  • Quitting a job after 3 months is ok, even though doing so is less ideal for the employer. Your main concern should be making the best decision for your situation.
  • To quit a job you just started, politely tell your boss the position isn’t working out for you. Offering your two-weeks notice is considered common courtesy.
  • You will still get paid for all hours worked, even if you quit during training. You are entitled to pay for all hours you’ve worked as an employee.
  • You can quit your job for any reason. However, you may not be able to receive unemployment benefits depending on your state’s unemployment laws.

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Is it OK to quit a job after a week?

It is ok to quit a job after a week if you got a better offer or you’re just not happy. It is in your employer’s and your best interest if you quit a job you are not satisfied with. Quitting your job now is usually preferable to quitting your job later.

Sometimes, you may have gotten a better offer after accepting a job at a new company. You do not have to feel guilty about taking higher pay because money is why you work. 

Alternatively, you can present the other company’s offer to your current employer. The employer may decide to match the higher pay or benefits. Either way, you’re getting the best deal because you have a guaranteed higher paying job available.

You should also consider quitting a job if you are not happy and hate your new career. A company wants an employee who wants to work because happy employees produce better work. You’re not doing the company or yourself any favors by sticking around.

Even after one day, quitting your job is preferable to sticking around for months before quitting. An employer may have passed over other qualified candidates to hire you. You can leave the position and give someone else a chance.

Your employer may not have to start the job search over again if you quit after a week or month. The longer the position remains filled, the less interested candidates they’ll have waiting to hear back.

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How do you quit a job that is not a good fit?

Quit a job that is not a good fit by having a brief conversation with your manager. Explain that you don’t think the job will be a good fit and that you’re thankful for the position, but you don’t want to waste the company’s time. Offer your two weeks’ notice, but tell your boss you would understand if they would like to set your end date.

It would be best if you tried to talk to your boss in person, but you can quit a job over the phone. Here is a sample conversation I might have if quitting a job I just started:

Me: “Hey boss, do you have a minute to talk?”

Boss: “Sure, what’s up?”

Me: “I know I just started, but regrettably, I’d like to give you my two-week notice. I hope this doesn’t put you in a bad spot.”

Boss: “Is everything alright?”

Me: “Yes, I don’t see this as a position that I’d like to do long-term. I would rather make this decision now than six months from now. I hope you understand.”

Boss: “Yes, I understand. Thank you for letting me know, and please let me know if I can change your mind.”

In most cases, you will not need to present a letter of resignation for a job that is not a good fit and which you just started. An example resignation letter for a job that is not a good fit could be as simple as:

Thank you for the opportunity to work for [company]. I have appreciated the opportunity to meet and work with everyone at [company]. However, I do not see this position as something I would like to do long-term, and I would like to offer my two weeks’ notice.

Just keep your letter of resignation short, simple, and polite. Most employers understand that a job must be a good fit for both the employee and employer.

Do I need to give 2 weeks notice during training?

Giving your two weeks’ notice, even during training, is considered a common courtesy. The more notice you can give when just starting a new job, the better. The company may use the two weeks notice to find another candidate or allow you to leave earlier.

Do I get paid even if I quit?

You will still get paid for all hours worked, even if you quit without notice. However, you will not get paid for the rest of the week or pay period. Contact your Human Resources department if you never got your last paycheck or somehow received an extra paycheck after quitting.

As an employee, you are entitled to the money you have worked for, even if you quit. Working 20 hours out of a 40-hour work week should result in you getting paid for the 20 hours. 

You do not get paid for the rest of the week if you quit or get fired. Technically, you did not work or perform any services for hours you didn’t work.

Most companies will still pay your last paycheck via direct deposit or the method you were getting paid. So if you were normally paid by check, you should expect a check. Contact your manager or HR if you never got your last paycheck.

What is the best excuse to quit a job?

Any reason you do not want to work or are not happy with your job is a good excuse to quit a job immediately. Examples include due to stress, health concerns, personal reasons, finding a new job, family medical, and work schedules. Unemployment eligibility for quitting a job will depend on your state’s laws and what is defined as a ‘good cause.’

Any health concerns, physical or mental, of yours or a family member, are typically a good reason to quit a job. Only you can speak for your health or a family member’s health.

Hectic work schedules increase most health concerns. You should have no problem using overworked as an excuse if you work over 40 hours per week.

Ideally, you’re quitting because you found a new and better-paying job. However, some people quit their job because they’re looking for a career break.

Each state has laws on unemployment eligibility. You’ll have to check with your state for what qualifies as a good cause to quit your job and receive unemployment. Examples include caring for a family member, constructive discharge, medical, domestic violence, and another job.

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Summary: Quitting a job while still in training or just started

As you can see, quitting a job that you just started or are still in training is ok. Typically, it’s easier to replace someone immediately after hiring than after a couple of months. Don’t feel guilty if you find a better opportunity or the job isn’t a good fit.

Quitting a job that’s not a good fit is the exact same process as quitting any other job. Have a brief and polite conversation with your manager. Explain the position isn’t a good fit and that you’d like to give your two weeks’ notice.

You do get paid for all hours you’ve worked, even if you quit. The pay will show up via direct deposit if you set up a direct deposit with your HR department. Remember, you will not get paid for the rest of the week because you didn’t work those hours.

Any reason is a good reason to quit a job. Common excuses include finding a new job, health concerns, work schedule, and personal reasons. Consult your state’s unemployment laws to determine what reason allows you to get unemployment.

John is the founder of TightFist Finance and an expert in the field of personal finance. John has studied personal finance for over 10 years and has used his knowledge to pay down debt, grow his investment portfolio, and launch a financial based business. He is committed to sharing content related to personal finance based on his experience in his career, investing, and path towards reaching financial independence.