What is Spocket dropshipping app for EU and US?

What is Spocket dropshipping app for EU and US?

Spocket is a dropshipping supplier which integrates with Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Wix, and AliScraper. Once integrated, find and sell products from suppliers to customers in the US or EU. With Spocket, you can have a dropshipping business without ever seeing the products.

Imagine, having a successful online business which makes money while you sleep. You wake up each morning and have sold hundreds of dollars worth of product.

The best part? You’re making more money sleeping than you did at your 9-5.

Luckily for you, I’m going to show you how Spocket can help you create a dropshipping business. All you have to do is get customers and place the orders. You’re going to love owning a dropshipping business!

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What is Spocket dropshipping app?

Spocket is a dropshipping app which integrates with popular ecommerce stores like Shopify or WooCommerce. Simply find interesting products from different suppliers through Spocket and add them to your store. Once a product sells, the supplier ships the item to your customer.

Simply put, Spocket takes care of finding and vetting dropship suppliers. When you sign up for Spocket, you know you’re getting access to multiple quality suppliers without having to find them yourself.

Let’s say you want to create your own brand of yoga pants. You can create a Shopify store and integrate with Spocket.

The first thing you’ll want to do is see what yoga pants are available. Simply search Spocket and find what options are available. Once you’ve found your top options, Spocket allows you to request samples so you can test the quality for yourself.

After testing the quality, you’ve decided on the yoga pants you want to represent your brand. Add them to your Shopify and start selling. 

Once an order sells, the supplier ships the item to your customer. You can even have a branded invoice with your company’s information! It’s that simple!

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Is Spocket good for dropshipping?

Spocket is good for dropshipping. The app is trusted by over 60k dropshippers and each supplier is vetted for quality. Spocket works with major ecommerce platforms like Shopify, so getting started with dropshipping is easy.

Product quality is important for anyone starting an online retail business. You need to ensure your customers are getting something of value. Luckily, Spocket helps you find quality products.

Each supplier is vetted by Spocket prior to being listed in the Spocket marketplace. Therefore, you’re not wasting your time with low-quality suppliers. Secondly, you can request product samples from each supplier to check the quality yourself.

Suppliers are located in the US and EU. Having local suppliers is crucial for quick delivery times and customer service requests.

Spocket integrates with many of the major ecommerce platforms. Therefore, setting up Spocket for your own store is easy. You can currently integrate with Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Wix, and AliScraper.

The products have a good profit margin. You are likely to find quality products that are going to make you money.

How does dropshipping with Spocket work?

Spocket dropshipping works by first integrating with Shopify or WooCommerce. Once setup, find and import products to your store. Each product can be customized to fit your store’s needs or branding. When a customer makes an order, you place the order with the supplier with a few clicks.

The first step is to install the Spocket app on your Shopify or WooCommerce store. Installing the app allows you to use Spocket with your store. Once integrated, you can set up customized settings, such as pricing, automatic order processing, and more.

Search for products you want to sell in your store. Use the filters to select premium and best selling products. Products that are best sellers are already proven winners.

Once you’ve found a selection of products, you may want to test the quality for yourself. You can request a sample be sent to your home. Otherwise, you are ready to customize and import the product into your store.

Select ‘add to import list’ to add the item to your import list (list of products to add to your store). You can then customize the item’s price, description, etc.

Once a customer purchases the item, you need to place the order with a supplier. Within Spocket, simply click ‘check out’ and then ‘place order’ to send the order to the supplier. You will also have a chance to communicate any specifics to the supplier.

Where can you sell Spocket products?

You can sell Spocket products on your own web stores, such as Shopify, Wix, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce. Selling Spocket products on third-party marketplaces, such as Amazon or Ebay, is not allowed.

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Summary: What is Spocket?

As you can see, Spocket is a dropshipping app that integrates with major ecommerce platforms. You can integrate Spocket with Shopify, WooCommerce, Wix, BigCommerce, and AliScraper. Once integrated, you can import products to your store to make money dropshipping.

Spocket is a good dropshipping app with quality products and suppliers. Most of the suppliers are based in the US or EU which leads to faster shipping times. The products have a good profit margin and Spocket is easy for beginners to understand.

You can only sell products in marketplaces you own, such as your own Shopify store. You are not allowed to sell the products on any third-party marketplace such as Amazon.

John is the founder of TightFist Finance and an expert in the field of personal finance. John has studied personal finance for over 10 years and has used his knowledge to pay down debt, grow his investment portfolio, and launch a financial based business. He is committed to sharing content related to personal finance based on his experience in his career, investing, and path towards reaching financial independence.