Where can you find paid freelance writing assignments online?

Are you ready to find paid freelance writing assignments so you can start making money online?

Imagine starting your own freelance writing business, earning enough money to quit your job. You wake up, open your laptop, and know you’ll never have to go into an office again. Looking outside, you see everyone else driving to their 9-5 job, but not you!

Freelance writing is something you can do consistently to make money. You just need to know where to find freelance writing work. Finding work is what is going to keep you in business!

Luckily for you, finding work as a freelance writer doesn’t have to be complicated. Today, I’m sharing with you the best websites for finding freelance writing assignments.

Where can you find paid freelance writing assignments online

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Writers Work

One of the best places to find work as a beginner is through a freelance writing network. Freelance writing networks find work and handle the business side. It’s super convenient and allows you to focus on writing.

Writers work is one of the many freelance writers networks available for you to join. It makes it super easy when you’re just getting started with freelance writing.

Writers Work - Get Paid to Write

So why join Writers Work?

  • Built for beginners – Writers Work is built with beginners in mind. It’s an online program with an easy to use interface.
  • Article and Video tutorial library – Anything and everything you want to know about freelancing is all located in one place. Don’t know how to do something? Just search for your question and you’ll find your answer.
  • Work comes to you  – With Writers Work, you don’t need to find clients because Writers Work finds them for you! Your job opportunities are listed on one screen and you can choose what jobs you want to take. You can even set alerts for when new opportunities are listed.
  • Advanced Writing and Editing software – Writers Work comes complete with software that helps you write better articles.

The best part about Writers Work is that it let’s you focus on earning money. If you were to try and attract your own clients, you have to spend hours finding them, gaining work, sending billing statements, etc. Writers Work eliminates the hassle and lets you focus on one thing, writing freelance articles.

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Upwork is a website for freelancers to create a profile and bid on jobs. Creating an account is simple and you can start gaining work in no time.

There are two ways to make money with Upwork as a freelancer. You can either charge on an hourly basis or charge per job. Charging per job can be a huge money maker if you’re quick at cranking out content.

Work from home jobs - Upwork profile

Check out Amber’s profile. She has earned over $40k with Upwork in only 410 hours worked. That’s an amazing $97 per hour as a freelance writer.

You can also see that Amber also charges $150 per hour for hourly jobs. Upwork allows you to set your own rates. As a beginner, you might set your own rate to be $40 per hour which is still really great!


Freelancer is another website where you can find freelance writing assignments. As a matter of fact, you can be a freelancer in over 1350 different categories, such as coding, finance, legal, writing, and more!

Using freelancer is extremely simple. You create a profile and search the marketplace for work to bid on.

freelancer marketplace

You can even filter jobs by fixed or hourly price to help you find projects within your pay rates. Freelancer charges a fee of 10% or $5 (whichever is greater) on fixed price projects and 10% on hourly projects.


Toptal - top freelancer website

Toptal is one of the most rigorous freelance websites available. Should you meet their strict requirements, you’ll be in an exclusive club for finding freelance writing assignments.

Toptal works on the idea that only the top 3% of talent is accepted to become a freelancer. You will be screened over the course of two to five weeks to see if you meet the criteria. So what is the screening process like?

The first screen is a language and personality test. This test identifies if you have a solid understanding of the English language and have the right personality for freelancing. Only 26.4% of all applicants pass this phase.

Next, freelancers are put through an in-depth skills test. You will need to show that you can finish a variety of assignments. Experts who show they have exceptional skill will pass on to the next phase, approximately 7.4% of candidates.

Continuing on, you’ll need to pass a live screen test (3.6% pass) and then perform a test assignment (3.2% pass). Finally, you’ll need to continually perform excellent work which has a 3% pass rate.

Stock your favorite bloggers

Do you want to write for your favorite bloggers? Chances are they might hire you if they are making good money from their blog and know you.

The first thing you want to do is follow your favorite blogger on social media. From here, you’ll want to engage with them as much as possible. Your goal is to make sure they know who you are and have had positive interactions with you.

Send them an email asking if they are hiring freelance writers once you’ve built a relationship. Most people skip the relationship building which means your email goes straight to the trash.

You should also share freelance work you’ve done in the past on twitter. Say you did a freelance article on “The 10 best ways to lose weight.” Create a tweet saying how much you enjoyed writing this article for (insert client) and link to the article.

Paid guest posting opportunities

Did you know you can find paid guest posting opportunities by simply doing a Google search?

Yep, bloggers often have a “Write for us” page that showcases their guest post requirements and any financial incentive. Maybe I’m interested in writing health articles. I would do a simple search for “Health Write for us” and over 2,200,000,000 results show up!

Paid write for us

Next, go through each search results and make a Google sheet of every website that offers paid writing work. You can even add “Paid” or “Earn money” into your search results to try and narrow it down to only paid guest posting opportunities.

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Summary: Find paid freelance writing assignments online

As you can see, there are numerous websites that will help you find freelance writing assignments. If you’re looking to make money writing online, consider signing up for one if not all of these websites.

The more freelance websites you join, the higher chance you’ll find work. Most people hiring freelancers are only on one freelance website, so you should be on multiple!

The best freelance websites include:

  • Writers Work
  • Upwork
  • Freelancer
  • Toptal

You can also find freelance writing assignments by making connections with your favorite bloggers. Bloggers will constantly need content, so eventually, they may branch out into hiring. Keep in mind, only successful bloggers earning a full-time income or more will hire freelancers.

Google searches are another good way to find freelance writing opportunities. Simply do a search for “your niche + write for us.” Thousands of opportunities will show up in the search results.

So where is your favorite place to find freelance writing jobs? Do you do something not listed in this article? Let me know in the comments below!

John is the founder of TightFist Finance and an expert in the field of personal finance. John has studied personal finance for over 10 years and has used his knowledge to pay down debt, grow his investment portfolio, and launch a financial based business. He is committed to sharing content related to personal finance based on his experience in his career, investing, and path towards reaching financial independence.