How to Craft the Perfect Calling in Sick Text Message

How do you write the perfect calling in sick text message?

  1. Know your company’s sick policy
  2. Greet your boss
  3. Give a good reason for being sick
  4. Let your boss know when you plan on returning
  5. Update your manager on projects
  6. Give your boss a solution for anything urgent

Sick text messages should include good excuses, such as:

  • A stomach bug
  • Sick child
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Food poisoning
  • Mental health issues
  • Ongoing chronic health problems

Examples of a call-in sick text message may look something like the following:

Hey Manager name. I’m in need of a sick day today as I woke up not feeling well, and I do not think it is a good idea to come in today. I’m hoping it is just a 24-hour bug and should be back tomorrow.

I don’t have any major projects going on, but I do have one important meeting. I’ve already reached out to coworker, and they have agreed to cover the meeting for me.

Key Takeaways

  • Text messaging may be ok to call in sick, but it is considered an informal means of communication. Standard policy is usually to communicate time off requests via email. Your boss should let you know if anything else is needed after texting.
  • Keep your text professional and short. Include a greeting, a reason, return date, project status, and solutions. A good text message answers everything your boss needs to know and prevents any follow-up questions.
  • Your employer can ask for proof of emergencies, such as a doctor’s note.
  • Leave type depends on company policy, but is usually sick leave, paid time off, or unpaid leave.

Crafting a text to your boss due to sickness

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How to call in sick with a text message

How can you write a text message to your boss for missing work due to sickness?

  1. Consult your employee handbook to understand the sick leave policies at your work
  2. Start with a greeting and your boss’s name
  3. Give a valid reason for missing work
  4. Identify when you might return
  5. Give a status update on urgent projects
  6. Offer a solution for issues that may arise

Note that calling in sick is considered a family emergency. As such, you can call in sick to care for yourself or sick family members.

Let’s take a look at each step in more detail.

Start with greeting your boss

Texting your boss will typically start with a greetings. It is important to keep your greeting professional, even if you have a more friendly relationship with your boss.

Examples of greetings may include:

  • Hey [Boss’s name]
  • Good morning [Boss’s name]

State your excuse for calling in sick

The next step is to let your boss know you can’t make it into work and provide a reason.

Reasons can be as generic as letting your boss know that you are sick. However, you can also be specific, such as letting your boss know you have a migraine.

The key is to not be overly specific. Your boss doesn’t need to know about your sudden love affair with hugging the toilet and seeing how last night’s spaghetti digested.

Common excuses to text your boss include:

  • Overnight or weekend injury
  • Waking up with a migraine
  • Needing a mental health day
  • Not feeling well
  • Running a fever
  • Food poisoning
  • Symptoms of ongoing chronic health conditions

Therefore, I might text my boss something like:

Hey Boss. I’m unable to make it into work today. I woke up with a massive headache and can barely function.

Note: These articles may come in handy for creating your excuse:

State when you might be able to return to work

Let your boss know when you’ll return to work if you have an idea. A simple sentence, such as, “I’ll see how I’m feeling tomorrow” or “I plan to return tomorrow,” will help communicate your intentions.

It may also be appropriate to say that you don’t know when you’ll return to work. However, it would be best if you phrased it as, “I will need to let you know when I can return to work when I know more information.”

Continuing on with our example, our text message now reads the following:

Hey Boss. I’m unable to make it into work today. I woke up with a massive headache and can barely function. My plan is to get some rest today, but I should be back tomorrow and will update you if my status changes.

List anything your boss needs to know

Now is also a good time to let your boss know of anything that may require attention during your absence.

For example, are you working on any urgent projects that may need to be dealt with while you’re gone?

Remember, your boss may not know everything you are currently working on. Therefore, it is important to give a concise, yet detailed status report.

Continuing with our previous example, our text message might look something like the following:

Hey Boss. I’m unable to make it into work today. I woke up with a massive headache and can barely function. My plan is to get some rest today, but I should be back tomorrow and will update you if my status changes.

I am working on a [example report] which is currently with Bill for review. I anticipate that Bill should have comments back to me anytime.

Offer solutions

Presenting your boss with problems is never a good move, unless you also have a solution to go with it. Therefore, try to offer any piece of advice that may help work go smoother during your absence.

Examples of potential solutions may include:

  • Letting your boss know who is familiar with your work scope
  • Volunteering to check emails throughout the day
  • Offering to telework if needed

Once we have a solution, our example text message now reads:

Hey Boss. I’m unable to make it into work today. I woke up with a massive headache and can barely function. My plan is to get some rest today, but I should be back tomorrow and will update you if my status changes.

I am working on a [example report] which is currently with Bill for review. I anticipate that Bill should have comments back to me anytime. Jake is very familiar with the report and should be able to handle it if anything does come up.

Call in sick text examples

Here are a few different sample templates you can use to text your boss when you are calling in sick.

General ‘not feeling well’ sick text message to boss

Hey Boss. I am not able to make it to work today as I’m not feeling well, and I feel it’s best for me to get some rest today.

My plan is to return tomorrow, unless my symptoms worsen. I’ll let you know if there are any changes.

I do have one urgent report, the [example report]. Bill is currently reviewing the report and should have comments back any time. Jake is familiar with the report and should be able to handle any issues that come up.

Severe migraine sick text message to boss

Good morning, Boss. I regret to inform you that I will not be able to come into work today. I woke up with a severe headache and am unable to perform my duties.

I plan on taking the day to rest and recover, but I anticipate returning to work tomorrow. I will keep you updated if my condition changes.

In terms of the [example report], it is currently being reviewed by Bill. I expect to receive his comments soon. In case of any issues, Jake is well-versed in the report and can handle it.

Food poisoning sick text message example to a boss

Good morning, Boss. I regret to inform you that I will not be able to come into work today due to food poisoning. 

I plan on resting, and I anticipate returning to work tomorrow. I will keep you updated if my condition changes.

In terms of the [example report], it is currently being reviewed by Bill. I expect to receive his comments soon. In case of any issues, Jake is well-versed in the report and can handle it effectively. 

Food poisoning sick text message with humor 

Usually, I recommend keeping your text messages to your boss professional. However, sometimes you have a boss with a sense of humor. Use this example at your own risk.

Good morning, Boss. I regret to inform you that I will not be able to come into work today. Unfortunately, I have some bad sushi to blame for my current state of affairs. 

I plan on taking the day to rest and recover, but I anticipate returning to work tomorrow. I’ll let you know if things change.

In terms of my projects at work, I anticipate no issues but all my current projects are saved in my folder on the network drive for easy access.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and for any questionable smells that may linger in the office upon my return. I promise to bring back a venti caramel macchiato from Starbucks to make up for my absence. Thanks for understanding!

FAQ – Calling in sick

The following are some of the most common questions about calling in sick.

Can I call in sick through text?

You may be able to call in sick through text message depending on the relationship you have with your boss and Company’s policies on taking time off.

Usually, it is acceptable to text your boss that you will not be able to make it into work because of illness. However, some bosses may require a follow-up email to document your request of time off in writing.

Personally, I have never had an issue letting my boss know that I cannot make it into work because I was sick via text.

When in doubt, text your boss that you will be unable to make it into work. Your boss should provide you with follow-up instructions if they need anything additional.

How often is it too often to call in sick?

The frequency in which you can take time off due to sickness is often dictated by your company’s time off policy. You should consult your company’s human resources department or your boss if you are unsure.

In general, companies will give a set amount of paid time off or sick leave. You shouldn’t have many issues if your time off is covered by paid time off or sick leave.

You may start to run into trouble if you start taking off more time than you have accrued leave.

The best thing to do is consult with your boss if you have a chronic medical condition which prevents you from performing your duties on a regular basis. You may also qualify for special accommodations under the Americans with Disability Act.

Should you text or call in sick?

Your company’s policy on taking time off should dictate the process for requesting time off when you are sick.

However, the majority of boss’s will accept a text message for calling in sick. Text messages can be the most effective, and least-intrusive way of reaching your boss outside of working hours.

Can you get fired for texting in sick?

It is possible to get fired for texting in sick. Examples of when you may get fired for texting in sick instead of calling include:

  • Not following company policy for taking sick leave. (e.g., requiring a phone call or email)
  • Being disrespectful and unprofessional to your boss when requesting time off.
  • Making false claims about being sick to take time off.

You should read this guide by to understand your rights about getting fired while sick.

When can I call in sick?

You can call in sick as outlined by your company’s sick leave policy. In general, you are required to have either paid time off or sick leave to call in sick. otherwise, Anytime you have a legitimate ailment that prevents you from performing your job duties maybe a good reason to call in sick.

You may also be able to call in sick when you are taking leave under the Family Medical Leave Act. However, the Family Medical Leave Act requires 30 days’ notification to your employer before you can take leave.

Am I required to telework while sick?

The rules on teleworking while sick will be outlined in your company’s sick leave policy. Some companies do have policies that allow you to telework when sick, such as to avoid spreading diseases like Covid-19.

However, other jobs may require you to take sick leave, paid time off, or unpaid sick leave.

In my personal experience, all of my bosses have not had the expectation of myself working while sick. Usually, my bosses tell me to rest and come back when I’m feeling better.

The best thing you can do is communicate your need for sick leave with your boss. Your boss will outline any additional requirements once your sick time request is sent.

Did your boss ask you to work while sick? Contact your Human Resources department and ask if working while sick is required by company policy.

John is the founder of TightFist Finance and an expert in the field of personal finance. John has studied personal finance for over 10 years and has used his knowledge to pay down debt, grow his investment portfolio, and launch a financial based business. He is committed to sharing content related to personal finance based on his experience in his career, investing, and path towards reaching financial independence.