How to write a letter to bank for debit card

To write a letter to your bank for a debit card, include the following items in your letter:

  • The date of the letter 
  • The branch manager’s name or the name of the person you’ve been told to contact
  • The bank name
  • The address of the branch that you use
  • A subject line that reads “New debit card request”
  • A brief explanation of what you need and your account details
  • Any necessary documents requested by the bank
  • Your name
  • Your contact information and signature

This article explores the different types of letters regarding your debit card that your bank may ask you to write. You’ll also explore templates for each letter and learn how to send this information safely.

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How to Write a Letter to Bank for Debit Card

To write a letter to your bank to request a debit card connected to an account that you already have open at that bank, follow this template:


[Insert Branch Manager’s Name or Name of the Person You’re Contacting at the Bank]

[Insert Bank Name]

[Insert Bank Address]

Subject: New debit card request

Dear [Insert Branch Manager’s Name or Name of the Person You’re Contacting at the Bank],

My name is [insert your name], and I hold a [type of account], account number [insert account number] at your branch. I am writing to you to request that you issue me a debit card for this account.

Please confirm that you’ve received this request and let me know how long it will take the receive the debit card at the address I’ve included below.

If any other details are required from me to process my request, please reply with those application requirements.

Thank you,

[Your name ; signature]

[Your address]

[Your phone number]

How to Write a Complaint Letter to Your Bank Regarding Your Debit Card

If your debit card is stolen from you, the bank may ask you to write a letter to address the situation.

First, call the bank immediately to report your missing or stolen card. Then, write a letter using the template above, but use the body of the letter to explain that you would like a freeze placed on your account or you’d like to request an entirely new debit card.

If any funds were stolen from you, list those transactions in detail.

A written letter provides printed confirmation that a phone conversation took place in case the bank ever opens an investigation or disputes your claims.

Keep a record of the date this letter was written and delivered.

How to Write a Letter to Your Bank to Reissue Your Debit Card

If you’ve simply lost your debit card or it was damaged and needs a replacement, you can write a letter to your bank to request that your original debit card and number be reissued.

You may want to keep your original debit card number if it is tied to any automatic bill payments or other withdrawals.

Simply use the template above and explain the situation. A letter should be a follow up after you’ve already made a request on the phone or in person, just so you have printed confirmation that the conversation took place.

Summary: Writing a letter to a bank for debit card

While it may seem old-fashioned to write a letter to your bank to obtain a new debit card, the process ensures that you have written proof of your request or any grievances you’ve filed in relation to purchases on your account.

Never send your bank account details via email, such as account numbers or full debit card numbers. Email is not encrypted and can be hacked, so a printed, hand-delivered letter to the branch manager is safer.

If you want further evidence that the letter was delivered, you can email a copy of it to your branch manager but redact any important account details.


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John is the founder of TightFist Finance and an expert in the field of personal finance. John has studied personal finance for over 10 years and has used his knowledge to pay down debt, grow his investment portfolio, and launch a financial based business. He is committed to sharing content related to personal finance based on his experience in his career, investing, and path towards reaching financial independence.